Demolish and Build In Perth

Why Demolish and Build?

When you demolish and build a new home, it’s often more cost-effective than renovating an old one. It allows you to incorporate the latest designs and trends to maximise your block’s value and preserve your equity.

With significant land price increases, demolishing an older property can avoid costs like stamp duty and associated selling fees. When you demolish and build, you can enjoy a modern home in a location you love without the complications of extensive renovations.

When comparing demolition quotes, ensure they include services like vegetation and root removal, asbestos removal and the demolition of additional buildings. Expect a complete service from your contractor, including closure or removal of services to your site (sewer, water, gas, electricity) and site clearance.

For peace of mind, Trendsetter Homes can also manage the demolition process for you.

Choose Trendsetter Homes for a Seamless Demolish & Build Experience

Trendsetter Homes offers extensive experience and a smooth application process with local councils – we ensure a stress-free demolish and build new home experience tailored to your needs.

To prepare for demolition:

  • contact utility services for disconnections and arrange final meter readings
  • discuss with the contractor if you wish to retain any parts of your home
  • arrange temporary fencing if necessary – if existing fences are removed, new fences may be needed to comply with regulations

Trendsetter Home will assist with permit applications and the entire process typically requires eight weeks after vacating your home. For rental properties, provide four to six weeks’ notice to tenants.